Patent- und Urheberrecht & Marken- und Wettbewerbsrecht

by Loamk

Geometry Dash

5:51 inApp-Recht, Datenschutzrecht, Designrecht, Domainrecht, Filmrecht, Fotorecht, Gebrauchsmusterrecht, IT-Recht, Kartellrecht, Kunstrecht, Lizenzrecht, Markenrecht, Musikrecht, Patentrecht, Software-Recht, Sortenschutz, Urheberrecht, Verlagsrecht, Wettbewerbsrechtby Loamk

An endless arcade game called geometry dash challenges players to timing their jumps just exactly so they may land spectacular landings. You lose control of the character and the game ends when they hit an obstacle. Up to three closely spaced spikes can be overcome by the cube’s jumping power when traveling at regular speeds.

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