Patent- und Urheberrecht & Marken- und Wettbewerbsrecht

by poppy

In Vex 3, the stickman is back and ready to conquer the world.

9:08 inApp-Recht, Datenschutzrecht, Designrecht, Domainrecht, Filmrecht, Fotorecht, Gebrauchsmusterrecht, IT-Recht, Kartellrecht, Kunstrecht, Lizenzrecht, Markenrecht, Musikrecht, Patentrecht, Software-Recht, Sortenschutz, Urheberrecht, Verlagsrecht, Wettbewerbsrechtby poppy

Vex 3 is the third platform game in the vex series. The game has a lot of twists and turns that come out of nowhere, and each level is a maze full of dangerous obstacles and traps that you have to avoid. When you do the next thing, watch out for spinning blades, spikes, and traps!

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