Patent- und Urheberrecht & Marken- und Wettbewerbsrecht

Scratch Geometry Dash

10:16 inApp-Recht, Datenschutzrecht, Designrecht, Domainrecht, Filmrecht, Fotorecht, Gebrauchsmusterrecht, IT-Recht, Kartellrecht, Kunstrecht, Lizenzrecht, Markenrecht, Musikrecht, Patentrecht, Software-Recht, Sortenschutz, Urheberrecht, Verlagsrecht, Wettbewerbsrechtby Evelyn Britt

Scratch Geometry Dash is a free, side-scrolling platformer that combines rhythm and gameplay in a unique and engaging way. Players must groove their way over and under obstacles, keeping in time with the musical beat. If you make a mistake, it’s back to the beginning, but the fun lies in the challenge!

This game became a family favorite during lockdown, and we’ve recently returned to it. The combination of simple controls and high difficulty creates a fun and rewarding experience that everyone can enjoy. The game’s rhythmic nature also helps develop children’s sense of timing and musicality. We’ve even found ourselves playing it after the kids are in bed, trying to improve our skills for the next family session.

How to Play

In Scratch Geometry Dash, the square moves on its own. Your job is to click to jump when needed and use the up/down keys to steer vehicles. The obstacles you dodge are often in sync with the beat of the music, so it’s crucial to have your sound on and immerse yourself in the experience.

As you progress through the levels, you’ll encounter different sections with new tunes, colors, and abilities that require extra focus. It’s more than just a game—it’s a superb musical journey!

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